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Q: How can I play Biomes?

A: If you created an account when Biomes was in Early Access, you can still login at any time and play! If you don't have an account, you can play by running it locally. Check out our local setup guide!

Q: How can I get an invite code?

A: Unfortunately, we can no longer give out invite codes on a continuous basis. If you would like an invite code, the most up-to-date information on our invite code policy can be found on the official Biomes Discord server.

Q: What platforms does Biomes support?

A: Biomes can be enjoyed on MacOS, Windows, or Linux. Biomes is run in the browser and has been developed to run smoothly on Chrome. Biomes can run on other browsers (e.g. Safari, Firefox, Edge, Arc), however other browsers are not officially supported.

Q: What kind of game is Biomes?

A: Biomes is a sandbox MMORPG based in an open and fully destructible voxel world. Players build, craft, farm, fend off muckers, and take on quests! There's also minigames, teams, and so much more!

Q: How long has Biomes been in development?

A: Development for Biomes started in early 2022, and has been a labour of love ever since!

Q: What open source license does Biomes use?

A: Biomes is open sourced under the MIT License, or more colloquially, the do as you wish license!

Q: Is Biomes the greatest web game ever made?

A: The proof is in the pudding. There's a lot of great games out there. We'll humbly accept any praise we receive!

Q: How can I contribute?

A: First consider joining our amazing developer community on Discord! The game's source code and the instructions for setting up the development environment are great places to start! We follow the conventional pull-request workflow, so pull-requests submitted to the repository will be reviewed by the team! We appreciate any contributions, big or small!

Q: How can I host Biomes?

A: See hosting Biomes. TL;DR: It's an involved process but should be feasible for those familiar with Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes, or similar.